Webdesign/ Visual/ DIgital Exhibition/ Editorial


A Digitorial® is a patented online format by the Städel Museum Frankfurt. It intents to be a digital extension for the museum‘s exhibitions. The Digitorial framework is designed, produced and maintained by agenturfuerkrankemedien GmbH - the agency I worked for during these projects. Every Digitorial® design system is built in a one-pager format. The client then builds and fills the website with the support of agenturfuerkrankemedien GmbH and the production house Maze Pictures.

Every Digitorial® should reflect the mentality of the Museum. Therefore my design process here always started with a kickoff-meeting led by me. A process in which I focussed on setting design goals and understanding the client‘s needs. This helped me to create a design that fits both the client and the Digitorial® construct – Displaying the museums versatile contents perfectly within the frameworks limited boundaries.  

World of Photography

by  Kunstmuseum Basel

Mapping Klee

by Zentrum Paul Klee Bern

Das Dampfschiff Jura

by Seemuseum Kreuzlingen

Turner Das Meer und die Alpen

by Kunstmuseum Luzern